Does Delphi support ARMv5 and ARMv6 CPU's and is there a way to make my app work on them?
Does Delphi support ARMv5 and ARMv6 CPU's?
641 views Asked by Qussay Qumssan At
There are 2 answers

As far as I know (and what embarcadero tells on the RAD studio road shows), for Android at least ARM v7 with NEON support is required.
Edit: The (German) data sheet states "Android-Smartphones und –Tablet-Computer: ARMv7-Geräte mit NEON-Unterstützung," on the bottom of the last page.
The answer is no because Delphi compiles native code targeted at a specific CPU, in this case ARMv7 with NEON support.
David I posted this on the subject:
Embarcadero clearly states in their manual what is supported.