I have a piece of code that uses tables as well as PL/SQL tables and collections. This piece of code runs for multiple sessions (multiple companies in our business terms)
create or replace TYPE TY_REC FORCE IS OBJECT
create or replace TYPE TY_TAB AS TABLE OF TY_REC ;
FETCH v_tab_cur BULK COLLECT INTO v_tab_nt;
CLOSE v_tab_cur ;
FOR i IN v_tab_nt.FIRST..v_tab_nt.LAST
insert into xyz table --this table is present in multiple schema's
This is working fine in my dev enviornment ,but today's in productions i can see v_tab_cur is fetching data from schema1 and inserting data into xyz table of schema2,which looks strange to be ,the amount of data is huge. Can anyone make a guess of what is wrong with the bulk collect.