I am looking to create a flowchart that depicts the allocation of an overall type I error (alpha) to each endpoint, with each endpoint further distributing alpha to each subgroup, similar to the style of the image provided below (figure 1). Additionally, after entering weights between 0-1 in a generated n*n dimensional table, I would like to produce a diagram similar to the green image shown below (figure 2). I would greatly appreciate it if someone could assist me with this issue.figure 1figure 2
Here is my code
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Alpha Allocation"),
numericInput("totalAlpha", "Total type I error:", min = 0, value = 0.05),
numericInput("numEndpoints", "Select Number of Endpoints:", min = 1, value = 2),
actionButton("submit", "Submit"),
DTOutput("weightTable") # Table generated in the left sidebar
verbatimTextOutput("explanation") # Text output on the right for explanations
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$endpointInputs <- renderUI({
num_endpoints <- input$numEndpoints
lapply(1:num_endpoints, function(i) {
numericInput(paste0("endpointAlpha", i), sprintf("Alpha Value for Endpoint %d:", i),
value = input$totalAlpha / num_endpoints),
checkboxInput(paste0("subgroup", i), "Add Subgroup under this Endpoint", value = FALSE),
condition = sprintf("input.subgroup%d == true", i),
numericInput(paste0("numSubgroups", i), "Number of Subgroups:", min = 1, value = 2,
step = 1),
uiOutput(paste0("subgroupInputs", i))
# Dynamically generate subgroup weight input fields
observeEvent(input$numEndpoints, {
lapply(1:input$numEndpoints, function(i) {
output[[paste0("subgroupInputs", i)]] <- renderUI({
num_subgroups <- input[[paste0("numSubgroups", i)]]
if(input[[paste0("subgroup", i)]]) {
lapply(1:num_subgroups, function(j) {
numericInput(paste0("weight", i, "_", j), sprintf("Alpha Weight for Subgroup %d:", j),
value = 1/num_subgroups, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01)
rv <- reactiveValues(data = NULL, weights = NULL)
observeEvent(input$submit, {
num_endpoints <- input$numEndpoints
hypothesis_count <- 0
for (i in 1:num_endpoints) {
if (input[[paste0("subgroup", i)]]) {
hypothesis_count <- hypothesis_count + input[[paste0("numSubgroups", i)]]
} else {
hypothesis_count <- hypothesis_count + 1
# Create an empty data frame
rv$data <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = hypothesis_count, ncol = hypothesis_count)
colnames(rv$data) <- paste0("H", 1:hypothesis_count)
rownames(rv$data) <- paste0("H", 1:hypothesis_count)
output$weightTable <- renderDT({
datatable(rv$data, editable = TRUE, options = list(paging = FALSE, searching = FALSE))
}, server = FALSE)
results <- data.frame(Endpoint = integer(), Subgroup = integer(), `Allocated Alpha` = numeric())
for(i in 1:num_endpoints) {
endpoint_alpha <- input[[paste0("endpointAlpha", i)]]
if(input[[paste0("subgroup", i)]]) {
num_subgroups <- input[[paste0("numSubgroups", i)]]
total_weight <- sum(sapply(1:num_subgroups, function(j) input[[paste0("weight", i, "_", j)]]))
for(j in 1:num_subgroups) {
subgroup_weight <- input[[paste0("weight", i, "_", j)]]
results <- rbind(results, data.frame(Endpoint = i, Subgroup = j, `Allocated Alpha` = endpoint_alpha * subgroup_weight / total_weight))
} else {
results <- rbind(results, data.frame(Endpoint = i, Subgroup = NA, `Allocated Alpha` = endpoint_alpha))
output$alphaTable <- renderDT({ datatable(results) })
# Create and display the flowchart
output$flowChart <- renderDiagrammeR({
create_flow_chart(input, num_endpoints, results)
# Listen for table edit events
proxy <- dataTableProxy('weightTable')
observeEvent(input$weightTable_cell_edit, {
info <- input$weightTable_cell_edit
rv$data[info$row, info$col] <- as.numeric(info$value)
# Check if the sum of each row exceeds 1
for (i in 1:nrow(rv$data)) {
rowSum <- sum(rv$data[i, ], na.rm = TRUE)
if (rowSum > 1) {
title = "Error",
paste0("The sum of values in row ", i, " cannot exceed 1. Your current sum is: ", rowSum),
easyClose = TRUE,
footer = NULL
rv$data[i, info$col] <- NA_real_ # Reset the value
# Update the explanation text on the right
explanation_text <- sapply(1:nrow(rv$data), function(i) {
row_values <- rv$data[i, ]
non_na_indices <- which(!is.na(row_values))
if (length(non_na_indices) > 0) {
paste0("H", i, " allocates its Alpha value to ", paste(paste0("H", non_na_indices, " (", row_values[non_na_indices], ")", " weights"), collapse = ", "), ".")
} else {
output$explanation <- renderText({
paste(explanation_text, collapse = "\n")
# Function to create the flowchart
create_flow_chart <- function(input, num_endpoints, results) {
graph_script <- "digraph flowchart {"
graph_script <- paste0(graph_script, "node [shape=box];")
graph_script <- paste0(graph_script, "TotalAlpha [label='Total Alpha: ", input$totalAlpha, "'];")
# Add endpoint nodes
for (i in 1:num_endpoints) {
alpha_val <- input[[paste0("endpointAlpha", i)]]
graph_script <- paste0(graph_script, "Endpoint", i, " [label='Endpoint ", i, " (Alpha: ", alpha_val, ")'];")
# Edges from TotalAlpha to endpoints
graph_script <- paste0(graph_script, "TotalAlpha -> {")
for (i in 1:num_endpoints) {
graph_script <- paste0(graph_script, " Endpoint", i)
graph_script <- paste0(graph_script, " };")
# Add subgroup nodes and edges
for (i in 1:num_endpoints) {
if (input[[paste0("subgroup", i)]]) {
num_subgroups <- input[[paste0("numSubgroups", i)]]
for (j in 1:num_subgroups) {
graph_script <- paste0(graph_script, "Subgroup", i, "_", j, " [label='Subgroup ", j, "'];")
graph_script <- paste0(graph_script, "Endpoint", i, " -> {")
for (j in 1:num_subgroups) {
graph_script <- paste0(graph_script, " Subgroup", i, "_", j)
graph_script <- paste0(graph_script, " };")
graph_script <- paste0(graph_script, "}")
# Use DiagrammeR to generate the flowchart
# Run the app
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
To render a graph created with
you have to userenderGrViz/grVizOutput
instead ofrenderDiagrammeR/DiagrammeROutput