In the Perl 6 Signature docs, there's an example of an anonymous slurpy parameter:
sub one-arg (@) { }
sub slurpy (*@) { }
one-arg (5, 6, 7); # ok, same as one-arg((5, 6, 7))
slurpy (5, 6, 7); # ok
slurpy 5, 6, 7 ; # ok
There are no statements in the subroutine, mostly because the text around this is about the parameter list satisfying the signature rather than what the subroutine does with it.
I was playing with that and trying to make a subroutine that takes a list of one of more items (so, not zero items). I didn't particularly care to name them. I figured I'd still have access to the argument list in @_
even with the signature. However, you get @_
when you don't have a signature:
$ perl6
To exit type 'exit' or '^D'
> sub slurpy(*@) { say @_ }
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling:
Placeholder variable '@_' cannot override existing signature
------> sub⏏ slurpy(*@) { say @_ }
Is there another way to get the argument list, or does the anonymous parameter discard them? I see them used in the section on type constraints, but there isn't an example that uses any of the parameter values. Can I still get the argument list?
The values aren't discarded; you can for example access it through nextsame:
But to get to your original objective (an array with at least one element), you don't actually need to access the list; you can use a sub-signature: