I've been using Liferay a lot for past 2 years, but I have never needed any extensive document management.
Now I have a portlet where users upload documents (MS office OLE2 documents, ODS documents, PDF etc.) and I have to persist them with all metadata available.
I know how would I do that without using Liferay, I'd probably use Apache solr with Apache Tika (UpdateRichDocuments and ExtractingRequestHandler) or Apache Jackrabbit that are using Apache Tika under the hood (org.apache.jackrabbit.extractor.*).
The problem is, that If I look at the trunk of Liferay, there are some key classes :
Hooks (JCRHook, FileSystemHook, CMISHook, s3Hook)
that are employed from within DLLocalServiceImpl
kinda directly
Another alternative is using DLAppLocalServiceImpl
that is employing DLRepositoryLocalServiceImpl
and the files are persisted into repository also via Hooks, but a lot of additional stuff is done in there.
There is not jackrabbit-text-extractors library in Liferay, so I suppose If I wanted metadata to be extracted from PDF, DOCs, ODS documents, I would have very hard times... because the DL service layer doesn't accept additional properties
- I think I'd have to avoid using DL services and JCR hook and access Jackrabbit directly... But I would loose the compatibility and possibility migrate my repository etc.
Could please anybody collaborate on this one please ? Thank you
those two services
both are and will, I suppose, important. The former one if for direct access to repository. Notice that when adding a file via this service you need to persist corresponding DlFileEntry into database and than reference that addFile(...., fileEntryId, ...).The latter service is doing additional stuff for you, mainly asset management and workflow.
Regarding your use case, I would avoid using document library, because no metadata can go down into the JCR repository. Actually only metadata/custom properties that you could store would be
custom properties
feature of Liferay portal.Best way for you seem to be implement your own jackrabbit hook to store data into repository and let Liferay document library use that repository.