Document event listener not unbinding in Tracker.autorun() or when Template Destroyed

77 views Asked by At

after dismissing a menu by clicking anywhere else on the page, I noticed when console logging from the callback that document.body will 'remember' the previous event listeners after I move on to another template and trigger the same behavior. The callback is dismissMenu found below. For example...

First time:


Second time:

hello hello


What am I doing wrong here?


// named callback to dismiss menu so I can unbind later using $.off()
const dismissMenu = function() {
  Session.set('menuOpen', false)
  $(document.body).off('click', dismissMenu)

Template.app_bar_expanded.onCreated(function() {
  this.stackId = FlowRouter.getParam('_id')

  // opening the menu will trigger the Session var to 'true'
  Tracker.autorun(function() {
    const menuIsOpen = Session.get('menuOpen')
    if( menuIsOpen ) {
      $(document.body).on('click', dismissMenu)

// Stem the event bleeding some...
// TODO get this .off() to actually work as you would expect.
  $(document.body).off('click', dismissMenu)

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