Doctrine batch inserting uses 2GB of Ram

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I am trying to insert approximately 200k of records with Symfony2 and Doctrine via Doctrine Fixtures Bundle. I am using flush and clear but at the end script uses 1.8 GB of RAM.

This is the class that loads SmartMeter entities into database:


namespace HTEC\SmartMeteringAPIBundle\DataFixtures\ORM;

use Doctrine\Common\DataFixtures\AbstractFixture;
use Doctrine\Common\DataFixtures\FixtureInterface;
use Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManager;
use Doctrine\Common\DataFixtures\OrderedFixtureInterface;

use HTEC\SmartMeteringAPIBundle\Entity\SmartMeter;

use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerAwareInterface;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;

class LoadSmartMeterData extends AbstractFixture implements FixtureInterface, ContainerAwareInterface, OrderedFixtureInterface

    static $NUMBER_OF_SMART_METERS = 0;
    static $MAX_NUM_OF_SM_PER_CONC = 500;

     * @var ContainerInterface
    private $container;

    public function getOrder()
        return 10; // the order in which fixtures will be loaded

     * @inheritDoc
    public function setContainer(ContainerInterface $container = null)
        $this->container = $container;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function load(ObjectManager $manager)

        $numberOfUsers = LoadUserData::$NUMBER_OF_USERS;
        $numberOfConcentrators = LoadConcentratorData::$NUMBER_OF_CONCENTRATORS;
        $numberOfTariffs = LoadTariffData::$NUMBER_OF_TARIFFS;

        $numberOfSmartMetersPerConcentrator = 0;

        $smartMeter = null;
        $concentrator = null;
        $user = null;
        $tariff = null;

        $feeders = array();
        $numberOfFeeders = 0;
        $feedersRandomKey = array();

        $isIpAddressDynamic = false;

        $numberOfTransformerFeeders = 0;

        $smartMeterType = 0;
        $smartMeterProtocol = 0;
        $modemType = 0;

        $numberOfSmartMeters = 0;

        echo "\n\nCreating Smart Meters. This could take a couple of minutes and could take approximately 2 GB of RAM \n\n...";

        $startTime = time();

        $smartMeterCount = 0;

        $lastChunkNumber = 0;
        $currentChunkNumber = 0;

        $lastSmartMeterNumber = 0;
        $smartMetersClearedCurrently = 0;

        $concentratorSmartMeters = null;

        for($i = 0; $i < LoadConcentratorData::$NUMBER_OF_CONCENTRATORS; $i++)

            $concentrator = $manager->getRepository('SMAPIBundle:Concentrator')->find($i+1);

            $numberOfSmartMetersPerConcentrator = rand(1, self::$MAX_NUM_OF_SM_PER_CONC);

            $numberOfSmartMeters += $numberOfSmartMetersPerConcentrator;

            for($c = 0; $c < $numberOfSmartMetersPerConcentrator; $c++)
                $smartMeter = new SmartMeter();

                $smartMeterType = rand(1,3);

                    case 1:

                    case 2:

                    case 3:

                $user = $manager->getRepository('SMAPIBundle:User')->find(rand(1, $numberOfUsers));

                $numberOfTransformerFeeders = $concentrator->getTransformerFeeders()->count();
                $feeders = $concentrator->getTransformerFeeders()->toArray();

                if($numberOfTransformerFeeders > 0)

                    $feedersRandomKey = array_rand($feeders, 1);



                $tariff = $manager->getRepository('SMAPIBundle:Tariff')->find(rand(1, $numberOfTariffs));

                $smartMeterProtocol = rand(1,3);

                    case 1:

                    case 2:

                    case 3:

                $smartMeter->setModemSerialNumber(rand(1, 9000000000));

                $smartMeter->setManufacture('MAN: ' . ($i + $c));

                $modemType = rand(1,2);

                if($modemType === 1)
                    $smartMeter->setModemIndex(rand(1, 512));

                    $isIpAddressDynamic = rand(0,1);

                    if($isIpAddressDynamic === 1)
                        $smartMeter->setModemIpAddress(rand(1000000, 2000000));

                if(rand(0,1) === 1)
                    $smartMeter->setModemRepeaterNumber(rand(10000000, 90000000));


            } // end of FOR numberOfSmartMetersPerConcentrator

            // flush smart meters

            $currentChunkNumber = ceil($smartMeterCount / 5000);

            if($smartMeterCount > 5000 && $currentChunkNumber > $lastChunkNumber)
                $lastChunkNumber = $currentChunkNumber;

                if($lastSmartMeterNumber > 0)
                    $smartMetersClearedCurrently = $smartMeterCount - $lastSmartMeterNumber;
                    $smartMetersClearedCurrently = $smartMeterCount;

                echo "\n\nFlushing and clearing " . number_format($smartMetersClearedCurrently, 0, ',', '.') . " Smart Meters.\nTotal memory used after flush and clear: " . number_format(((memory_get_usage(true) / 1024) / 1024), 2, ',', '.') . " Megabytes\n\n...";

                $lastSmartMeterNumber = $smartMeterCount;
        }// end for NUMBER_OF_CONCENTRATORS



        echo "\n\n-------------------------------------------\n\n";
        echo "\n\nTotal memory used after final flush and clear of Smart Meters: " . number_format(((memory_get_usage(true) / 1024) / 1024), 2, ',', '.') . " Megabytes\n\n...";

        echo "\n\nCreating Smart Meters complete. Created " . number_format($numberOfSmartMeters, 0, ',', '.') . " Smart Meters.\n\n";

        $durationSeconds = (time() - $startTime);
        $durationMinutes = $durationSeconds / 60;

        $secondsRemainder = $durationSeconds % 60;

        echo "\n\nTotal duration time: " . ceil($durationMinutes) . " minutes and " . $secondsRemainder . " seconds.\n\n\n";

        self::$NUMBER_OF_SMART_METERS = $numberOfSmartMeters;


    public function getRandomIpAddressV4()
        return rand(1, 255) . '.' . rand(0, 255) . '.' . rand(0, 255) . '.' . rand(0, 255);

On approximately 5000 records I am calling flush and clear but it seams that no memory is released.

Are there recommendations about how to prevent Doctrine from using too much RAM during batch tasks?


There are 1 answers

nacmartin On BEST ANSWER

If it is a command, try running it with the option --no-debug. Or, you can disable the logger by calling $manager->getConnection()->getConfiguration()->setSQLLogger(null); at the beginning of your loadfunction.

Either way disabling the logger saves quite a lot of memory during Doctrine batch tasks.