Docker file:
# copy over system jboss configs
COPY $SYSTEM_TYPE/AP/standalone.conf $JBOSS_HOME/bin/standalone.conf
COPY $SYSTEM_TYPE/AP/standalone-ha-bob.xml $JBOSS_HOME/bin/standalone-ha-bob.xml
Docker Command:
docker build --build-arg SERVER_TYPE=jbossconf/ENT-UAT/ -f /usr/etc/repos/docker-files/test-dockerfile-app -t appserver/test:1.0 .
Docker Build Result:
Step 15 : COPY $SYSTEM_TYPE/AP/standalone.conf $JBOSS_HOME/bin/standalone.conf
lstat AP/standalone.conf: no such file or directory
The --build-arg does not appear to be passing to the dockerfile. Where am I going wrong?
On your build args you are passing SERVER_TYPE and referencing $SYSTEM_TYPE on your dockerfile, that should fix it!