Docker block IP

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I tried to use docker in our network but it seems like they block countries.

nSince Docker is a US company, we must comply with US export control regulations. In an effort to comply with these, we now block all IP addresses that are located in Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Republic of Crimea, Sudan, and Syria. If you are not in one of these cities, countries, or regions and are blocked, please reach out to\n\n\n" Unable to find image 'kadirahq/meteord:latest' locally docker: Error response from daemon: error parsing HTTP 403 response body: invalid character '<' looking for beginning of value: "

403 Forbidden

\nSince Docker is a US company, we must comply with US export control regulations. In an effort to comply with these, we now block all IP addresses that are located in Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Republic of Crimea, Sudan, and Syria. If you are not in one of these cities, countries, or regions and are blocked, please reach out to\n\n\n". See 'docker run --help'.

My country is not listed under the blocked countries and seems maybe they have a bad IP correction.

Someone know which IP correction service they use? Or what should I do?


There are 1 answers

EsmaeelE On

If you are lived in restricted locations like IRAN, docker not work and may generate related message.

Here is the message

Since Docker is a US company, we must comply with US export control regulations. In an effort to comply with these, we now block all IP addresses that are located in Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Republic of Crimea, Sudan, and Syria. If you are not in one of these cities, countries, or regions and are blocked, please reach out to\n\n\n". See 'docker run --help

As * docker company restricted IRAN we have two options.

Use Mirror registry

Using mirror instead of default docker registry

$ cat /etc/docker/daemon.json 
        "registry-mirrors": [""]

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart docker

If its not work use proxy for docker

Set proxy

$ cat /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/https-proxy.conf

$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo systemctl restart docker