I am a front end guy who is getting more and more into scripting and that being the case, I like my regurgitated markup to kind of look nice.
I ran a loop over some database values for a list and while most sites would just show a big old concatenated slew of <LI>
tags back to back, I kind of like them \r\n distanced with proper \t tabbing. Weird thing is, the first list member renders like LI>
rather than <LI>
about 1 out of 5 page serves.
Anyone seen this? Should I not bother? Am I formatting the loops badly? Here's an example:
while ($whatever = mysql_fetch_array($blah_query)){
echo "\t\t\t\t\t\t";
echo "<li>\n";
echo "\t\t\t\t\t\t";
echo '<a href="#'.$whatever['name'].'" id="category_id_'.$whatever['id'].'">';
echo ucfirst($whatever['name']);
echo "</a>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</li>\n";
this seems as if the goal is to output a page source that types out the proper indentions for you? at least for right now to debug and be easier read?
since you're using PHP to echo out those HTML codes, just type them as you would see them on the page source
this is how I would do it so that it would line break every time including the first time incase I have a left over "</div>" or some other closing tag without a line break after it.
it will output a nicer clean list item that tabbed in with the breaks