I am using Octave under Ubuntu. My Octave script has to make calculations with a big matrix, which I set the size. I want this matrix to be as large as possible within my memory requirements, so I do a few trials to use a reach a large enough matrix.
However, when I exceed the size, of course Ubuntu starts using Swap memory (which makes everything really sluggish) and at this point I want to cancel the script execution. But when I cancel, Octave tries to store my variables (which I dont want to). Below is a CTRL-C example:
panic: Interrupt -- stopping myself...
attempting to save variables to 'octave-workspace'...
This thing can take about half an hour to cancel.
So, the straight question is: how to avoid Octave to try to save the variables to the disk, and just quit instead?
There is a section of the Octave manual, named Saving Data on Unexpected Exits which tells you how to do it. You need to set
to false.