Do new features, updates, design use feat: in semantic commit message convention?

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I've decided to use semantic commit messages in my new toy project.
I saw kinds of types of semantic commit messages.

type description
feat new feature for the user, not a new feature for build script
fix bug fix for the user, not a fix to a build script
docs changes to the documentation
style formatting, missing semi colons, etc; no production code change
refactor refactoring production code, eg. renaming a variable
test adding missing tests, refactoring tests; no production code change
chore updating grunt tasks etc; no production code change

For frontend engineers
design, updates and new features, all of them use a semantic feat:?
Isn't there a semantic like design: or update:?


There are 2 answers

Seybsen On

Following angulars contribution guidelines the style wouldn't be the right choice for design (html, css, etc.) changes here.

A few examples for frontend changes:

what you changed commit type
you added html/css for a page footer feat
you fixed a css glitch in IE6 (lol) fix
you added a link to the footer feat
you linted your css and fixed indentation issues and missing semicolons style
you optimized css animations for higher framerates perf
you added a print style feat
you ported existing css and chose to use SASS from now on refactor
Schwern On

Let's have a look at the motivation for semantic commit messages.

You’ll never again be tempted to include a bug fix and a feature in the same commit. My git log is now an easy-to-skim changelog.

  1. Commits do one thing.
  2. git log is easy to skim.

If you think some new tags would encourage small commits and readable logs for your particular project, add them. But first, consider if you need to.

update seems pretty ambiguous. Isn't everything an update? What are you updating and why? If it's to fix a bug, that's a fix. If it's to add a feature, that's a feat. If it's updating dependencies, that's a chore.

design... if this is a style change to images, fonts, CSS, etc... that could be style. Or it might be distinct and common enough to warrant a new tag. Perhaps assets for commits which only touch assets?