I am trying to install django-photologue. Everything seems ok, because I install and set up following the official guidelines. I have to upload some photos as examples. However, when viewing a photo or gallery details , then an error as follows:
Caught an exception while rendering: 'Photo' object has no attribute 'get_thumbnail_url'
I tried to remove the following code from the file photo_detail.html
{% if object.public_galleries %}
<h2>This photo is found in the following galleries:</h2>
{% for gallery in object.public_galleries %}
<li>{%previous_in_gallery object gallery%} <a href="{{ gallery.get_absolute_url }}">{{ gallery.title }}</a> {%next_in_gallery object gallery%}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
No more errors, but pictures do not show up. If you click on the link will still lead to correct photographs to see. I think the problem in:
{{ object.get_display_url }}
It is totally not return any value. Please help me solve this problem. Thanks!
Did you run
python manage.py plinit
after install and opt to create both athumbnail
photosize? These photosizes need to be defined in your database.