I'm using pyjade in my django project. I also started using django compressor and for performance issues I need to use the offline compression.
I set the COMPRESS_OFFLINE to True in my settings.file
I ran the command: "manage.py compress --extension=jade" to generate the precompiled files and the manifest.json file.
The problem is that when I try to render the page, django raises an exception:
OfflineGenerationError at /new/
You have offline compression enabled but key "093e0a9554a11080f060c52450f54fc1" is missing from offline manifest. You may need to run "python manage.py compress".
I checked my manifest, here it is:
{ "608f1d299c1a9d4141630b7ebb668456": "" }
Here is my jade template
doctype 5
{% load compress %}
{% load staticfiles %}
title my page {% block title %} {%endblock%}
{% compress css %}
link(rel="stylesheet", href="{% static 'css/style.css' %}")
{% endcompress %}
Any thoughts?
Have you set
before runningpython manage.py compress
? The key the template is expecting seems to be different from the key in the manifest. There is a chance things might just be out of sync.