trying to accomplish a fairly simple chained select following this example. this was the most fitting example i could find for my limited requirements and figured it only needed some renaming to match my setup.
class Category(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
slug = models.SlugField()
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Uncomment if you don't want the slug to change every time the name changes
#if is None:
#self.slug = slugify(
self.slug = slugify(
super(Category, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
def __unicode__(self):
# return u'%s' % (
class SubCategory(models.Model):
"""Sub Category"""
category = models.ForeignKey(Category)
name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
slug = models.SlugField()
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Uncomment if you don't want the slug to change every time the name changes
#if is None:
#self.slug = slugify(
self.slug = slugify(
super(SubCategory, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
def __unicode__(self):
# return
return u'%s' % (
class Website(models.Model):
""" service website."""
url = models.URLField(validators=[validate_onion_url], unique=True)
# service
id = models.CharField(primary_key=True, max_length=16,
validators=[MinLengthValidator(16), MaxLengthValidator(16)], unique=True)
#is this domain banned
banned = models.BooleanField(default=False)
#is it online or offline
online = models.BooleanField(default=False)
#echo -e "BLAHBLAHBLAH.onion\c" | md5sum
md5 = models.CharField(max_length=32,
validators=[MinLengthValidator(32), MaxLengthValidator(32)], unique=True)
updated = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True, auto_now_add=True)
sub_categories = models.ForeignKey(SubCategory, default=1)
referral = models.TextField(blank=True)
class Meta:
"""Meta class."""
app_label = 'ahmia'
def __unicode__(self):
# return self.url
return u'%s' % (self.url)
def category_browser(request):
"""Browser Page"""
categories = Category.objects.all().prefetch_related('subcategory_set')
subcategories = SubCategory.objects.filter(category=categories)
return render(request, 'browser.html', {'categories': categories, 'subcategories': subcategories)
def getdetails(request):
#country_name = request.POST['country_name']
subcategory_name = request.GET['cnt']
print "ajax subcategory_name ", subcategory_name
result_set = []
all_websites = []
answer = str(subcategory_name[1:-1])
selected_subcategory = SubCategory.objects.get(name=answer)
print "selected subcategory name ", selected_subcategory
all_websites = selected_subcategory.website_set.all()
for website in all_websites:
print "website name", website.url
result_set.append({'name': website.url})
return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(result_set), mimetype='application/json', content_type='application/json')
and the html template
<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/jquery-latest.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/script.js"></script>
$('select#selectsubcategories').change(function () {
var optionSelected = $(this).find("option:selected");
var valueSelected = optionSelected.val();
var subcategory_name = optionSelected.text();
data = {'cnt' : subcategory_name };
$("#selectwebsites option").remove();
for (var i = result.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
$("#selectwebsites").append('<option>'+ result[i].url +'</option>');
<select name="selectsubcategories" id="selectsubcategories">
<option value="" selected="selected">Select Category</option>
{% for category in categories %}
<optgroup label="{{ }}">
{% for item in category.subcategory_set.all %}
<option val="{{ }}"> {{ }} </option>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
<select name ="selectwebsites" id="selectwebsites">
The first select box showing category/subcategory works as expected, however the second select box remains empty whatever subcategory selected.
No errors that i can see and no idea how to debug this.
I assume the example followed is a perfectly fine working solution, and i suspect the problem is somewhere in my naming scheme e.g. am i mixing up subcategory and sub_category somewhere in referring to my foreignkey? but i might be wrong,
much obliged!
found an error, in my http log i can see a call is made to /getdetails , that makes sense. However after adding /getdetails in i still get a 500 error in my http log
# Browser Page
urlpatterns += patterns('',
(r'^browser/', 'rango.views.category_browser'),
(r'^getdetails/', 'rango.views.getdetails'),
sorry to answer my question post so quickly,
adding the /getdetails to solves part of the problem, this was not mentioned in the original example.
and remove from
as this is depreciated in django 1.7 it seems