Django Celery task on Heroku causes high memory usage

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I have a celery task on Heroku that connects to an external API and retrieves some data, stores in the database and repeats several hundred times. Very quickly (after ~10 loops) Heroku starts warning about high memory usage. Any ideas?

def retrieve_details():
    for p in PObj.objects.filter(some_condition=True):

def fetch(self):
    v_data = self.service.getV(**dict(
    response = self.map_response(v_data)

    for key in ["some_key","some_other_key",]:
        setattr(self.v, key, response.get(key))

Heroky logs

2017-01-01 10:26:25.634
132 <45>1 2017-01-01T10:26:25.457411+00:00 heroku run.5891 - - Error R14 (Memory quota exceeded)

Go to the log:[email protected]/addons/logentries

You are receiving this email because your Logentries alarm "Memory quota exceeded"
has been triggered.

In context:
2017-01-01 10:26:25.568 131 <45>1 2017-01-01T10:26:25.457354+00:00 heroku run.5891 - - Process running mem=595M(116.2%)
2017-01-01 10:26:25.634 132 <45>1 2017-01-01T10:26:25.457411+00:00 heroku run.5891 - - Error R14 (Memory quota exceeded)

There are 2 answers


To expand on the veritable rdegges thoughts, here are two strategies I have used in the past when working with celery/python to help reduce the memory footprint: (1) kick off subtasks that each process exactly one object and/or (2) use generators.

  1. kick off subtasks that each process exactly one object:

    def retrieve_details():
        qs = PObj.objects.filter(some_condition=True)
        for p in qs.values_list('id', flat=True):
    def do_fetch(n_id):
        p = PObj.objects.get(id=n_id)

    Now you can tune celery so that it kills of processes after processing N number of PObj (tasks) to keep memory footprint low using --max-tasks-per-child.

  2. Using generators: you can also try this using generators so that you can (theoretically) throw away the PObj after you call fetch

    def ps_of_interest(chunk=10):
        n = chunk
        start = 0
        while n == chunk:
            some_ps = list(PObj.objects.filter(some_condition=True)[start:start + n])
            n = len(some_ps)
            start += chunk
            for p in some_ps:
                yield p
    def retrieve_details():
        for p in ps_of_interest():

For my money, I’d go with option #1.

rdegges On

You're basically loading a bunch of data into a Python dictionary in memory. This will cause a lot of memory overhead, especially if you are grabbing a lot of objects from the local database.

Do you really need to store all of these objects in a dictionary?

What most people do for things like this is:

  • Retrieve one object at a time from the database.
  • Process that item (perform whatever logic you need).
  • Repeat.

This way, you only end up storing a single object in memory at any given time, thereby greatly reducing your memory footprint.

If I were you, I'd look for ways to move my logic into the database query, or simply process each item individually.