Here is my code:
def stream(self,request: HttpRequest,user,camera_index):
url = self.config["cameras"][int(camera_index)]["url"]
except IndexError or TypeError:
return HttpResponseNotFound()
response = StreamingHttpResponse(self.__stream(url),content_type="multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=frame")
return response
def __stream(self,url):
video_cap = cv2.VideoCapture(url)
while True:
_, frame = cv2.imencode('.jpg',[1],[int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 100])
b'Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n\r\n' + frame.tobytes() + b'\r\n\r\n')
First, I want to know whether the __stream
function is ended if user closes the page. I did some tests about it but I am not sure. Second, can I add a callback to __stream
function that will be called when streaming is closed?