I try to understand how the internal of Django formsets work.
After a formset class is created by formset_factory function, inheriting/getting attributes from BaseFormSet, a object of the new created class is initialize, example:
ArticleFormSet = formset_factory(ArticleFormA, extra=2)
formset = ArticleFormSet()
If I check with dir(formset)
both form and forms attributes are available, but if I try to print forms
nothing is printed, I suppose this is related to the decorator @cached_property
(but when is called ?)
In the initialization of the formset object there are no operations related to forms
So, I suppose is called when {{formset}} or {{formset.as_p}} etc is called.
The method has:
forms = ' '.join(form.as_p() for form in self)
Why in self, I don't understand, because form based on dir() is just a class, and self is the formset object. What is the logic behind ?
(PS I understand what is doing going to every form), but is not form in forms, besides the fact forms is now populated
And after that, the fields are created using management_form that before.
return mark_safe('\n'.join([six.text_type(self.management_form), forms]))
form in self
results in a call to the special methodself.__iter__()
, which is how iterable classes are implemented in python.For django's formsets, this is the relevant code.
link to full source