I have built an app for a client that would like to run the app on multiple iPads. Is it possible to do this without distributing through the App Store? Can I use Apple Configurator from the Mac App Store or distribute through the Xcode Server?
Distribute App to multiple iPads without App Store
256 views Asked by Tom Coomer AtThere are 3 answers
You can use Apple configurator or MDM if you have enterprise certificate to create in-house apps or your provisioning profile contains all the UDID's of target devices you want distribute to. You may find useful my answer to the similar question.
tl;dr: it's better to use HockeyApp or Fabric. Alternatively you may use Testflight.
- Just go to Xcode and export the app (Product -> Archive -> Export), and follow the steps to save the .ipa file.
- Create a file named app.plist (see this).
Create a index.html file with this content:
<a href="itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=https://www.example.com/app.plist">click this link to install</a>
Upload these three files to your server (note that the URL must be HTTPS, not HTTP) and clicking on the link should download your app.
Note that you must select a Distribution Code Signing Identity and Distribution Provisioning Profile in Step 1. Also, the UDID of the iPads need to be included in the distribution provisioning profile.
You can use TestFlight.
Details: https://developer.apple.com/testflight/