I have created a app using reactive cocoa signals. In my app I have created some RacSignals and then merged the signals into a single signal and subscribed to it. Now if User logs out, I want a way to cancel all the signals that I have merged. Is there a way to cancel all active RacSignals in a single go? or cancelling the merged signal will cancel all the signals merged to it.
Dispose combined reactive cocoa signals
1.2k views Asked by user3168555 AtThere are 2 answers

Mateusz is right but I have a feeling you're not entirely sure what the semantics of disposing a RACDisposable
are. So here goes:
In the example of Mateusz only the subscription is cancelled (disposed of), but the signal lives on (as long as it is not dealloced of course).
A RACSignal
lives on even if there are no subscriptions to it, and it can potentially continue sending next values as long as it is not ended by an error or a complete event.
If by "Cancelling" a signal you mean stop subscribing to the next values, then disposing the disposable is the way to go. If "Cancelling" means completing the signal then have a look at the takeUntil:
method, which completes the returning signal at your convenience (this will still not complete the original signal however)
Hope that helped a bit
check this issue on GitHub.
So you can do sth. like this:
and when you want to cancel: