I'm hoping someone can help me with my DisplayTag problem. This is my current java JSP code
<display:column property="code" titleKey="order.list.header.code" sortable="true" />
<display:column titleKey="title.describe" sortable="false">
<a class="item" href="javascript:open('<html:rewrite page='/action/product'/>?action=viewProduct&id=<bean:write name='productMissing' property='id'/>',
'<bean:message key='button.label.close' />');">
<bean:write name="productMissing" property="description" />
<br />
<bean:write name="productMissing" property="details" />
With the code above, everything shows up fine. The link is fine and the values are correct. But if I set the "sortable" flag to true, and click on the "title.describe" header, the sort makes no sense.
I tried putting the description inside the display:column tag like this
<display:column property="description" titleKey="title.describe" sortable="true" />
the sort worked but I'm still missing the "a href" and the second property "details".
So I tried the same line above but added Displaytag's property href as described in the displaytag site like this.
<display:column property="description" titleKey="title.describe" href="javascript:open('<html:rewrite page='/action/product....." sortable="true" />
But the link was not built properly. I suspect because the link calls a javascript function or because of the struts tags.
I'm at a loss here. Any help or ideas would be appreciated.
You need to give attribute
with the number of column to be sortedEDIT
You can give
and give using which property you want to sortdescription