What I'm trying to accomplish is having items within an observableArray display based off a property (i.e. category), for example:
Basic project setup:
var Project = function(id, name, stage){
this.id = ko.observable(id);
this.name = ko.observable(name);
this.stage = ko.observable(stage);
self.projects = ko.observableArray([
new Project(1, "Sample Project 1", "Planning"),
new Project(2, "Sample Project 2", "Design"),
new Project(3, "Sample Project 3", "Development"),
Basic view:
<div class="large-2 columns planning">
<div class="project-holder" data-bind="sortable: { template: 'projectTemplate', data: projects, afterMove: dropCallback }">
<!-- Projects go here -->
</div> <!-- /project-holder -->
</div> <!-- /columns -->
The plan is to have a column for each "stage", i.e. "Planning", "Design", "Development", and each would display projects in that specific stage, however I'm not sure how to set it up. Is there a method for splitting up that array and displaying the items in separate columns based off their "stage" property, or is there another way of doing things that I should be looking into? Should I have a separate array that handles each of the categories individually?
I've been using individual arrays to handle things a la http://jsfiddle.net/rniemeyer/Jr2rE/ however it seemed that maybe there was a better way of handling things on a larger scale.
Any help/insight is appreciated.
If each project can only be in one stage at a time the most straightforward approach would be to group projects into stages using separate view models. For example:
If you want columns per stage in your view this is now easy to do:
Here's a fiddle with a demo.