I am working on a Java desktop application. In this project I want to highlight some location on a world map. These locations are stored in a database. I have found a link to Building Maps into Your Swing Application with the JXMapViewer, but I'm still not finding the proper way to do this. Can anyone can give me some ideas.
Displaying location on a world map
7.5k views Asked by anjana At
There are 3 answers

You might like to look at JMapViewer
, recently mentioned in this question.
Addendum: For example,
svn co http://svn.openstreetmap.org/applications/viewer/jmapviewer jmapviewer
java -cp bin org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.Demo

for me google works http://today.java.net/pub/a/today/2007/10/30/building-maps-into-swing-app-with-jxmapviewer.html any google related question(s)
If you are building swt app, you can use SWT Browser widget with Google Maps API. All you need is to generate simple html page and show it with the use of SWT Browser