I am trying to create a small ticketing script, but I am stuck on this part where I need to display the e-mail conversation between the user and the support group.
The script works like this:
Form is filled by the User, upon submitting the data, a ticket is created and an e-mail containing some basic information of the ticket is sent to the Support Group.
The Support Group replies to the mail with some instructions
- This conversation between the User and Support Group should be displayed on the ticket page, with the current code I encounter the following issue:
If the number of mails in the thread is ODD, mails are displayed correctly (by odd I mean ODD Numbers, 1/3/5/7 etc)
If the number of mails is EVEN, some replies are missing from the thread.
Here is the code:
$imap = imap_open('{mail.mail.eu:993/imap/ssl}INBOX', '[email protected]', 'Mailpass');
//Testing value
$value2 = '6';
$subject = 'Escalation Ticket No.: '.$value2.' has been created and assigned to you.';
$threads = array();
//remove re: and fwd:
$subject = trim(preg_replace("/Re\:|re\:|RE\:|Fwd\:|fwd\:|FWD\:/i", '', $subject));
//search for subject in current mailbox
$results = imap_search($imap, 'SUBJECT "'.$subject.'"', SE_UID);
//because results can be false
if(is_array($results)) {
//now get all the emails details that were found
$emails = imap_fetch_overview($imap, implode(',', $results), FT_UID);
//foreach email
foreach ($emails as $email) {
//add to threads
//we date date as the key because later we will sort it
$threads[strtotime($email->date)] = $email;
//now reopen sent messages
imap_reopen($imap, '{mail.mail.com:993/imap/ssl}INBOX.Sent');
//and do the same thing
//search for subject in current mailbox
$results = imap_search($imap, 'SUBJECT "'.$subject.'"', SE_UID);
//because results can be false
if(is_array($results)) {
//now get all the emails details that were found
$emails = imap_fetch_overview($imap, implode(',', $results), FT_UID);
//foreach email
foreach ($emails as $email) {
//add to threads
//we date date as the key because later we will sort it
$threads[strtotime($email->date)] = $email;
//sort keys so we get threads in chronological order
foreach ($threads as $key => $object) {
$kee = $object->msgno;
$qprint = imap_fetchbody($imap, $kee, 2);
echo quoted_printable_decode($qprint);