Displaying data for each day of the week with rethinkDB

67 views Asked by At

Displaying data for each day of the week with rethinkDB r.row('time_create').dayOfWeek()

detail: "no",
order_id: "03",
status: "Delivery",
time_create: "2018-09-23T11:06:30.164Z",
time_success: "2018-09-23T11:06:30.164Z"

To be like this

    "Sun": [
        "order_id": "00004568",
        "status": "Delivery",
        "time_create": "09/16/2018 10:09:39",
        "time_success": "09/19/2018 10:39:40",
        "detail": ""
    "Mon": [
        "order_id": "00004568",
        "status": "Delivery",
        "time_create": "09/17/2018 10:09:39",
        "time_success": "09/19/2018 10:39:40",
        "detail": ""


I do not understand how to fix it or write it out as it is


There are 1 answers

Stock Overflaw On

You can use group with key names, indexes, ReQL or custom functions. In your case this should do:


Then, in your callback, you can easily transform this result into the structure you want.