I am stuck at a situation where i want to display the data in sql server database into the feilds on web page when user login their account. So for that i have wrriten a code in a class file.
Public Function FetchResult() As DataTable
Dim str As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("dbSurvey").ConnectionString
Dim conn As New SqlConnection(str)
Dim fetch As String = "Select * from table_name"
Dim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(fetch, conn)
Dim objAdpt As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(cmd)
Dim objDt As DataTable = New DataTable()
Return objDt
End Function
and calling this function in the login button click. so that after user login, they can see their existing information
Dim dta As DataTable = obj.FetchSurveyResult
If MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 2 Then
txtBox.Text = dta.Rows(0)("Location1")
End If