I am using a PIC24F to control an LCD screen with an SSD1305 controller via SPI protocol.
Here is my code to power up the screen according to datasheet :
LATFbits.LATF5 = 0; //RESET
LATFbits.LATF5 = 1; //RESET
LATFbits.LATF1 = 1;
LATDbits.LATD7 = 0; // D/C_DISPL : Command
writeSPI2(0xAF);//Display ON
The power up works fine but I have a "snow screen" and but I am still confused about how to send the data to the GDDRAM.
The Microchip library for LCD controller don't seems to support SPI mode.
My question is, where can I find help ? How can I send data (ASCII or image) to the controller ? What library do you recommend ?
In the the release notes of the Microchip Graphics Library (gfx_release_notes.h) is "Added driver for Solomon Systech 132x64 OLED/PLED Display Controller SSD1305" so the gfx app should be a good place to start looking.
Also, there is source for a module specifically for the SSD1305 online here. Looks like you'll need to implement DeviceWrite() for SPI.