Discretize normal distribution to get prob of a random variable

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Suppose I draw randomly from a normal distribution with mean zero and standard deviation represented by a vector of, say, dimension 3 with


I need to compute a weighted average based on some simulations for which I draw the above mentioned eps. The weights of this average are "the probability of eps" (hence I will have a vector with 3 weights). For weighted average I simply mean an arithmetic sum wehere each component is multiplied by a weight, i.e. a number between 0 and 1 and where all the weights should sum up to one. Such weighted average shall be calculated as follows: I have a time series of observations for one variable, x. I calculate an expanding rolling standard deviation of x (say this is the values in scale). Then, I extract a random variable eps from a normal distribution as explained above for each time-observation in x and I add it to it, say obtaining y=x+eps. Finally, I need to compute the weighted average of y where each value of y is weighted by the "probability of drawing each value of eps from a normal distribution with mean zero and standard deviation equal to scale.

Now, I know that I cannot think of this being the points on the pdf corresponding to the values randomly drawn because a normal random variable is continuous and as such the pdf at a certain point is zero. Hence, the only solution I Found out is to discretize a normal distribution with a certain number of bins and then find the probability that a value extracted with the code of above is actually drawn. How could I do this in Python?

EDIT: the solution I found is to use

norm.cdf(eps_it+0.5, loc=0, scale=scale_rng)-norm.cdf(eps_it-0.5, loc=0, scale=scale_rng)

which is not really based on the discretization but at least it seems feasible to me "probability-wise".


There are 1 answers

Sam Mason On

here's an example leaving everything continuous.

import numpy as np
from scipy import stats

# some function we want a monte carlo estimate of
def fn(eps):
  return np.sum(np.abs(eps), axis=1)

# define distribution of eps
sd = np.array([1,2,3])
d_eps = stats.norm(0, sd)

# draw uniform samples so we don't double apply the normal density
eps = np.random.uniform(-6*sd, 6*sd, size=(10000, 3))

# calculate weights (working with log-likelihood is better for numerical stability)
w = np.prod(d_eps.pdf(eps), axis=1)
# normalise so weights sum to 1
w /= np.sum(w)

# get estimate
np.sum(fn(eps) * w)

which gives me 4.71, 4.74, 4.70 4.78 if I run it a few times. we can verify this is correct by just using a mean when eps is drawn from a normal directly:

np.mean(fn(d_eps.rvs(size=(10000, 3))))

which gives me essentially the same values, but with expected lower variance. e.g. 4.79, 4.76, 4.77, 4.82, 4.80.