Disabling toolbar from icePDF viewer

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I am trying a sample with icePDF . Everything is working fine but i need to disable the toolbar which appears at the top. i tried few things but its not working. Can some body please help me out with it. Below is my code.

//package XML.test;

package applet;

import java.util.ResourceBundle;

import javax.swing.JFrame;

import javax.swing.JPanel;

import org.icepdf.ri.common.ComponentKeyBinding;
import org.icepdf.ri.common.SwingController;
import org.icepdf.ri.common.SwingViewBuilder;
import org.icepdf.ri.util.PropertiesManager;
import org.icepdf.core.pobjects.fonts.*;
import org.icepdf.core.views.DocumentViewController;
import org.icepdf.core.*;

public class ViewerComponentExample 

    static void buildFrame(String filepath)
        System.getProperties().put("org.icepdf.core.scaleImages", "false"); 
        System.getProperties().put("org.icepdf.core.target.dither", "VALUE_DITHER_DISABLE"); 
        System.getProperties().put("org.icepdf.core.target.fractionalmetrics", "VALUE_FRACTIONALMETRICS_OFF"); 
        System.getProperties().put("org.icepdf.core.target.interpolation", "VALUE_INTERPOLATION_NEAREST_ NEIGHBOR"); 
        System.getProperties().put("org.icepdf.core.screen.interpolation", "VALUE_INTERPOLATION_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR"); 
        SwingController controller = new SwingController();

        PropertiesManager properties = new PropertiesManager(System.getProperties(), ResourceBundle.getBundle(PropertiesManager.DEFAULT_MESSAGE_BUNDLE));
        properties.setBoolean(PropertiesManager.PROPERTY_SHOW_TOOLBAR_ANNOTATION, Boolean.FALSE);
        properties.setBoolean(PropertiesManager.PROPERTY_SHOW_TOOLBAR_FIT, Boolean.FALSE); 
        // Build a SwingViewFactory configured with the controller

        SwingViewBuilder factory = new SwingViewBuilder(controller);

        JPanel viewerComponentPanel = factory.buildViewerPanel();

        // add copy keyboard command
        ComponentKeyBinding.install(controller, viewerComponentPanel);

        // add interactive mouse link annotation support via callback
        new org.icepdf.ri.common.MyAnnotationCallback(

        // Use the factory to build a JPanel that is pre-configured
        //with a complete, active Viewer UI.
        // Create a JFrame to display the panel in
        JFrame window = new JFrame("Metrics Wizard Help");
        controller.setPageFitMode(DocumentViewController.PAGE_FIT_WINDOW_WIDTH, false);


    public static void main(String args[]) 
         String filepath = "C:/Users/vishalt/Workspaces/Eclipse 4.2 Java/htmltopdf/src/XML/output/SCB_TEST.pdf";


There are 2 answers

John Wayne On
private SwingController controller;
controller = new SwingController();
SwingViewBuilder viewBuilder = new SwingViewBuilder(controller, properties);
JPanel panel = viewBuilder.buildViewerPanel();

You have to set the toolbar invisible because icePdf looks in the PDF-document for the property and overwrites your setting with default when there is no document opened!

Adam On

There are two ways to this.

1) Follow this example to set all the toolbars to false. http://www.icesoft.org/JForum/posts/list/17673.page#sthash.48ICrL2A.dpbs

2) You can modify or remove the toolbar by editing the source code for SwingViewBuilder.

Here is a link to the code: http://sventon.icesoft.org/svn/repos/repo/show//icepdf/trunk/icepdf/viewer/src/org/icepdf/ri/common/SwingViewBuilder.java?revision=34004

You probably want to comment out lines 481 - 483.

481 JToolBar toolBar = buildCompleteToolBar(embeddableComponent);
482             if (toolBar != null)
483                 cp.add(toolBar, BorderLayout.NORTH)

Remove your import for SwingViewBuilder and create your own class with those lines commented out.