I'm using the LLVM C++ API to write a compiler front-end for a subset of the C language. I've noticed the generated IR always has the constant folding optimization applied. But I want to disable this and get a faithful, unoptimized IR. Is there any way to do this?
Following is the code I'm using to generate IR from my module.
llvm::verifyModule(kit.module, &llvm::outs());
kit.module.print(llvm::outs(), nullptr);
auto tirFile = "output.ir";
error_code ec;
llvm::raw_fd_ostream tirFileStream(tirFile, ec, llvm::sys::fs::F_None);
kit.module.print(tirFileStream, nullptr);
Seems like the version of LLVM I'm using is LLVM 10.
sumit@HAL9001:~$ llvm-config --version
For example, when I run my compiler on the following C function
int arith() {
return (10 - 10/3) << 3 | (23+8*12) & 1024;
It gets compiled to
define i32 @arith() {
ret i32 56
The binary operations on constants are evaluated by the compiler itself, i.e. constant folding; it doesn't get translated to appropriate IR code.
Quoting from this link: