When running test kitchen, the Chef client inside VirtualBox VM isn't accepting my Chef server's self-signed certificate.
$ bundle exec kitchen converge default-windows-2008r2
-----> Starting Kitchen (v1.17.0)
-----> Converging <default-windows-2008r2>...
Preparing files for transfer
Preparing dna.json
Resolving cookbook dependencies with Berkshelf 4.2.0...
Using compat_resource (12.19.0)
Installing cron (4.1.3) from http://berksapi.mycompany.com/ ([chef_server] https://chef.mycompany.com:443/organizations/devops)
Installing logentries-windows (0.2.2) from http://berksapi.mycompany.com/ ([chef_server] https://chef.mycompany.com:443/organizations/devops)
>>>>>> ------Exception-------
>>>>>> Class: Kitchen::ActionFailed
>>>>>> Message: 1 actions failed.
>>>>>> Failed to complete #converge action: [SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=error: certificate verify failed] on default-windows-2008r2
>>>>>> ----------------------
>>>>>> Please see .kitchen/logs/kitchen.log for more details
>>>>>> Also try running `kitchen diagnose --all` for configuration
Installing logrotate (2.2.0) from http://berksapi.mycompany.com/ ([chef_server] https://chef.mycompany.com:443/organizations/devops)
Using mingw (2.0.1)
Installing omnibus_updater (3.0.2) from http://berksapi.mycompany.com/ ([chef_server] https://chef.mycompany.com:443/organizations/devops)
Installing ohai (5.2.0) from http://berksapi.mycompany.com/ ([chef_server] https://chef.mycompany.com:443/organizations/devops)
$ echo $?
My workstation's Berks config already has SSL verification disabled:
$ cat ~/.berkshelf/config.json
"verify": false
I have also tried setting a Chef attribute to disable verification:
# .kitchen.yml
- name: default
ssl_verify_mode: ":verify_none"
If you update to a newer version of Berkshelf (4.2.0 is about 18 months old) we've fixed most things to use the same
folder as Chef itself, which will likely fix this issue without needing to disable verification.