Directadmin soapclient error

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In server one I user soapclient

$GLOBALS['params'] = [
        "where" => $fldpar,


    $client1 = new soapclient('http://**.**.**.**:3000/Service1.svc?wsdl');

$res = $client1->Read_1522($GLOBALS['params']);
$arr = json_decode(json_encode($res), True);

$xml = simplexml_load_string($arr['Read_1522Result']['any']);
 $json = json_encode($xml);

 $array = json_decode($json,TRUE);

config server one is:centos , directadmin,php56

and in server to i have ssl and install soap but when use soapcliene this has error:

Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [WSDL] SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from 'http://**.**.**.**:3000/Service1.svc?wsdl' : failed to load external entity "http://**.**.**.**:3000/Service1.svc?wsdl" in /home/ht2net/domains/****/public_html/ab/index.php:26 Stack trace: #0 /home/ht2net/domains/******/public_html/ab/index.php(26): SoapClient-

whats the problem?


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