The code below is solving an ODE with different variables, and PA
s corresponding to diffrent Δ
s the only data I'm interested in after each loop. Since the loops are independent I assume I can multithreading the loops so I add Threads.@threads
in front of the for
using DifferentialEquations
using Plots;
gr(grid = false, ms = 3, legend = false, msw = 1.5 ,mc = :white)
using Findpeaks
P = 1.5
κ = 0.5
Γ = 0.0005
#ODE settings
fs = 400
T = 2*π
y0 = [1, 1]
t0 = [0, 100 *T]
t1 = [0, 50 *T]
function route(dx, x, p, t)
dx[1] = 1im * (Δ * x[1] - 2 * real(x[2]) * x[1] - 0.5) - κ * x[1]
dx[2] = -1im * (0.5 * P * abs(x[1])^2 + x[2]) - Γ * x[2]
Plots.scatter(1,1) #create new figure
Threads.@threads for i = -1.3: 0.1 :-0.4
global Δ = i
global p =[P, Δ, κ, Γ]
global prob = ODEProblem(route, collect(Complex{Float64}, y0), t0, p)
global y1 = solve(prob)
global y10 = last(y1);#omit unstable parts
global prob2 = ODEProblem(route, collect(Complex{Float64}, y10), t1, p)
global y2 = solve(prob2) #calculate steady state data
global abss = abs.(y2)
global a = abss[1,:].^2
global PA = begin
global peaka = findpeaks(real(a), y2.t)
global peaka = real(a)[peaka] #peak values
global pa = Vector{Float64}(undef, length(peaka))
pa[:] .= Δ #peak locations corresponding to Δ
pa .+ 1im*peaka
global fig = scatter!(real(PA), imag(PA))
But it will cause julia terminal to crash(using vscode), seems related to GR.
What is happening?
It looks like things thrown from GR. I'm not sure GR is multithreading safe, I would double check that instead of the differential equation solve.