Different colours for different articles using a:hover

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I'm trying to assign three different colours to three different articles on a single page using a:hover in Wordpress.

This is the site http://paragrams.wpshower.com/

At present all the articles turn pale yellow on a:hover. I'm trying to create different colours for each article (for example, first article to be yellow, the second article red, third blue and so on).

Below is the php & CSS for the a:hover at present. I assume I need to wrap each thumb id in a different div and specify the colour in the CSS?


<ul class="mcol">
          <?php if(have_posts()) : ?><?php while(have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
            <li class="article">

                    if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) { ?>
                    $imgsrcparam = array(
                    'alt'   => trim(strip_tags( $post-    >post_excerpt )),
                    'title' => trim(strip_tags( $post-    >post_title )),
                    $thumbID = get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, 'background',     $imgsrcparam ); ?>

                    <div><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" class="preview"><?php echo     "$thumbID"; ?></a></div>
                    <?php } ?>

                <h2><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>

and CSS:

.li_container {
background-attachment: scroll;
background-image: url(images/main-bg.gif);
background-repeat: repeat-y;
background-position: left top;
.li_container .article:hover {

This is the js:

  #  * Splits a <ul>/<ol>-list into equal-sized columns. 
#  *  
#  * Requirements:  
#  * <ul> 
#  * <li>"ul" or "ol" element must be styled with margin</li> 
#  * </ul> 
#  *  
#  * @see http://www.codeasily.com/jquery/multi-column-list-with-jquery 
#  */  
jQuery.fn.makeacolumnlists = function(settings){
settings = jQuery.extend({
    cols: 3,                // set number of columns
    colWidth: 0,            // set width for each column or leave 0 for     auto width
    equalHeight: 'li',  // can be false, 'ul', 'ol', 'li'
    startN: 1               // first number on your ordered list
}, settings);

if(jQuery('> li', this)) {
    this.each(function(y) {
        var y=jQuery('.li_container').size(),
            height = 0, 
            maxHeight = 0,
            t = jQuery(this),
            classN = t.attr('class'),
            listsize = jQuery('> li', this).size(),
            percol = Math.ceil(listsize/settings.cols),
            contW = t.width(),
            bl = ( isNaN(parseInt(t.css('borderLeftWidth'),10)) ? 0 :     parseInt(t.css('borderLeftWidth'),10) ),
            br = ( isNaN(parseInt(t.css('borderRightWidth'),10)) ? 0 :     parseInt(t.css('borderRightWidth'),10) ),
            pl = parseInt(t.css('paddingLeft'),10),
            pr = parseInt(t.css('paddingRight'),10),
            ml = parseInt(t.css('marginLeft'),10),
            mr = parseInt(t.css('marginRight'),10),
            col_Width = Math.floor((contW - (settings.cols-1)*(bl+br+pl+pr+ml+mr))/settings.cols);
        if (settings.colWidth) {
            col_Width = settings.colWidth; 
        var colnum=1,
        jQuery(this).addClass('li_cont1').wrap('<div id="li_container' + (++y) + '" class="li_container"></div>');
        for (var i=0; i<=listsize; i++) {
            if (colnum > settings.cols) colnum = 1;
            var eq = jQuery('> li:eq('+i+')',this);
            //if(i>=percol2) { percol2+=percol; colnum++; }
            //var eq = jQuery('> li:eq('+i+')',this);
            //eq.addClass('li_col'+ colnum);
            //if(jQuery(this).is('ol')){eq.attr('value', ''+(i+settings.startN))+'';}
        jQuery(this).css({cssFloat:'left', width:''+col_Width+'px'});
        for (colnum=2; colnum<=settings.cols; colnum++) {
            if(jQuery(this).is('ol')) {
                jQuery('li.li_col'+ colnum, this).appendTo('#li_container' + y).wrapAll('<ol class="li_cont'+colnum +' ' + classN + '" style="float:left; width: '+col_Width+'px;"></ol>');
            } else {
                jQuery('li.li_col'+ colnum, this).appendTo('#li_container' + y).wrapAll('<ul class="li_cont'+colnum +' ' + classN + '" style="float:left; width: '+col_Width+'px;"></ul>');
        if (settings.equalHeight=='li') {
            for (colnum=1; colnum<=settings.cols; colnum++) {
                jQuery('#li_container'+ y +' li').each(function() {
                    var e = jQuery(this);
                    var border_top = ( isNaN(parseInt(e.css('borderTopWidth'),10)) ? 0 : parseInt(e.css('borderTopWidth'),10) );
                    var border_bottom = ( isNaN(parseInt(e.css('borderBottomWidth'),10)) ? 0 : parseInt(e.css('borderBottomWidth'),10) );
                    height = e.height() + parseInt(e.css('paddingTop'), 10) + parseInt(e.css('paddingBottom'), 10) + border_top + border_bottom;
                    maxHeight = (height > maxHeight) ? height : maxHeight;
            for (colnum=1; colnum<=settings.cols; colnum++) {
                var eh = jQuery('#li_container'+ y +' li');
                var border_top = ( isNaN(parseInt(eh.css('borderTopWidth'),10)) ? 0 : parseInt(eh.css('borderTopWidth'),10) );
                var border_bottom = ( isNaN(parseInt(eh.css('borderBottomWidth'),10)) ? 0 : parseInt(eh.css('borderBottomWidth'),10) );
                mh = maxHeight - (parseInt(eh.css('paddingTop'), 10) + parseInt(eh.css('paddingBottom'), 10) + border_top + border_bottom );
        } else 
        if (settings.equalHeight=='ul' || settings.equalHeight=='ol') {
            for (colnum=1; colnum<=settings.cols; colnum++) {
                jQuery('#li_container'+ y +' .li_cont'+colnum).each(function() {
                    var e = jQuery(this);
                    var border_top = (     isNaN(parseInt(e.css('borderTopWidth'),10)) ? 0 : parseInt(e.css('borderTopWidth'),10) );
                    var border_bottom = ( isNaN(parseInt(e.css('borderBottomWidth'),10)) ? 0 : parseInt(e.css('borderBottomWidth'),10)     );
                    height = e.height() + parseInt(e.css('paddingTop'),     10) + parseInt(e.css('paddingBottom'), 10) + border_top + border_bottom;
                    maxHeight = (height > maxHeight) ? height :     maxHeight;
            for (colnum=1; colnum<=settings.cols; colnum++) {
                var eh = jQuery('#li_container'+ y +'     .li_cont'+colnum);
                var border_top = (     isNaN(parseInt(eh.css('borderTopWidth'),10)) ? 0 : parseInt(eh.css('borderTopWidth'),10) );
                var border_bottom = ( isNaN(parseInt(eh.css('borderBottomWidth'),10)) ? 0 : parseInt(eh.css('borderBottomWidth'),10) );
                mh = maxHeight - (parseInt(eh.css('paddingTop'), 10) + parseInt(eh.css('paddingBottom'), 10) + border_top + border_bottom );
        jQuery('#li_container' + y).append('<div style="clear:both; overflow:hidden; height:0px;"></div>');

jQuery.fn.uncolumnlists = function(){
jQuery('.li_cont1').each(function(i) {
    var onecolSize = jQuery('#li_container' + (++i) + ' .li_cont1 > li').size();
    if(jQuery('#li_container' + i + ' .li_cont1').is('ul')) {
        jQuery('#li_container' + i + ' > ul > li').appendTo('#li_container'     + i + ' ul:first');
        for (var j=1; j<=onecolSize; j++) {
            jQuery('#li_container' + i + ' ul:first li').removeAttr('class').removeAttr('style');
        jQuery('#li_container' + i + ' ul:first').removeAttr('style').removeClass('li_cont1').insertBefore('#li_container' + i);
    } else {
        jQuery('#li_container' + i + ' > ol > li').appendTo('#li_container' + i + ' ol:first');
        for (var j=1; j<=onecolSize; j++) {
            jQuery('#li_container' + i + ' ol:first li').removeAttr('class').removeAttr('style');
        jQuery('#li_container' + i + ' ol:first').removeAttr('style').removeClass('li_cont1').insertBefore('#li_container' + i);
    jQuery('#li_container' + i).remove();

There are 3 answers

t31os On

What i'd personally do is add an incrementing class using PHP, like so..

<ul class="mcol">
<?php if(have_posts()) : $i = 0; while(have_posts()) : the_post(); $i++; ?>
    <li class="article <?php echo "item-$i";?>">

You then get something like..

<li class="article item-1">content</li>
<li class="article item-2">content</li>
<li class="article item-3">content</li>

Then toggle a class on hover to..


That then gives you one class that covers all list items, one unique to each item shown, and one that is only attached to the element on hover..

li.article { /* CSS for all list items */ }
li.article.active-item { /* CSS for all any item active */ }
li.item-1 { /* CSS for the first item */ }
li.item-2 { /* CSS for the second item */ }
li.active-item.item-1 { /* CSS for the first item when hovered */ }
li.active-item.item-2 { /* CSS for the secpnd item when hovered */ }

NOTE: It doesn't hurt to make your CSS selectors more specific, adding an ID infront of those(say, the parent list ID) will help ensure you get less conflict with other competing styles.

I hope that's helpful.. ;)

eykanal On

You wouldn't need to do anything fancy with divs; just give each li tag a unique class, and specify those class colors in css.

From your code, you could change the line

<li class="article">


switch($post->ID) {
    case 1:
        $class = 'yellow';    break;
    case 2:
        $class = 'blue';      break;
    case 3:
        $class = 'green';     break;
<li class="article <?php echo $class; ?>">

This will effectively output class='article yellow' for the first article, class='article blue' for the second, etc. You can then make this all work by changing the css as follows:

.li_container .article.yellow:hover { background-color:#57bfeb; }
.li_container .article.green:hover  { background-color:green; }
.li_container .article.blue:hover   { background-color:blue; }

If you want to get fancy, you could also change switch($post->ID) to switch(mod($post->ID,3)) to do lots of color changing.

toddles2000 On

eykanal has a good solution. Just to throw out another option, you could use jquery and just dynamically add the classes based on the article positions in the dom. Something like:

Add this inside the head element of your page:

<script type="text/javascript"src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function () {
    $('.mcol li.article:nth-child(1)').addClass('yellow')
    $('.mcol li.article:nth-child(2)').addClass('red')
    $('.mcol li.article:nth-child(3)').addClass('blue') 

You would then add something like this to your css file:

.yellow:hover { background-color: yellow; }
.red:hover { background-color: red; }
.blue:hover { background-color: blue; }

Change the colors to the hex codes of your choice of course. Have Fun!