I was wondering if there is a scientific differentiation in terminology when speaking of CPU Usage and CPU Utilization. I have the feeling that both words are used as synonyms. They both describe the relation between CPU Time and CPU Capacity. Wikipedia calls it CPU Usage. Microsoft uses CPU Utilization. But I also found an article where Microsoft uses the term CPU Usage. Now VMware defines to use CPU Utilization in the context of physical CPUs and CPU Usage in the context of logical CPUs. Also, there is no tag for cpu_utilization in stackoverflow.
Does anyone know a scientific differentiation?
Very doubtful. You will probably find exact definitions in some academic text books but I bet they'll be inconsistent between text books. I've seen definitions in manpages that are inconsistent with the actual implementation within the code. This is a case where everyone assumes the definitions are so obvious they never check to see if theirs is consistent with others.
My suggestion is to fully definite your use and go with that. Others can then have a reference (your formula/algorithm) and can translate between yours and theirs.
By the way, figuring out utilization, usage, etc. is very complicated and fraught with traps. OSs move tasks around, logical CPUs move between cores, turbo modes temporarily bump clock rates, work is offloaded to internal coprocessors, processors go to sleep or drop in frequency, hyperthreading where multiple logical CPUs contend for shared resources, etc. What's worse is that it is a moving target. Exact and well-defined metrics today will start to get out of date quickly as hardware and software architectures continue to evolve per Moore's law and any SW equivalent.