Difference between angular.element().scope().$root and angular.element().injector().get('$rootScope')

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I am finding it very difficult to find the root cause of a particular issue in my code. The source code is here

I want to access $rootScope, but one of the way is failing.

Route 1:

Get the first element in DOM with ng-scope class and do a angular.element(elem).scope().$root to get the root.

Route 2:

Get the first element in DOM with ng-scope class and get the injector on the element by angular.element(elem).injector() and by doing a injector().get('$rootScope') I can get the $rootScope.

In Route 1 when my code does, angular.element(document.querySelector('.ng-scope')).scope() I get undefined because scope is not available on this element. I tried to get the angular.element(elem).data(), but I get an empty object.

Does this mean that angular has not yet run through this element ? If yes, why do I see an ng-scope class already being applied if angular has not yet gone through this element ?

What is the difference between accessing $rootScope through injector().get('$rootScope') and through scope().$root ? Why does my Route 1 fail ?

Route 1:

enter image description here

Route 2:

enter image description here


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