Is there a --staged (aka --cached) option for comparing files from a git stash?
Here I'm comparing the most recent commit against a staged file (I'm using the explicit @{} syntax, but I know that @{0} can be inferred):
git diff stash@{0}:spec/blueprints.rb HEAD:spec/blueprints.rb
And here I'm comparing the stashed file with what's on disk:
git diff stash@{0}:spec/blueprints.rb spec/blueprints.rb
How can I compare what's currently staged with what's in the stash? This doesn't work:
git diff --staged stash@{0}:spec/blueprints.rb spec/blueprints.rb
git diff --cached 'stash@{0}' -- spec/blueprints.rb
... It is possible that quotes are not needed, but you never know how your shell can surprise you.