I am having some trouble with the logic inside of didBeginContact on an OSX game i'm creating. It is written in swift, here is what the code currently is:
func didBeginContact(contact: SKPhysicsContact) {
let collision: UInt32 = contact.bodyA.categoryBitMask |
if collision == PhysicsCategory.player | PhysicsCategory.wall {
} else if collision ==
PhysicsCategory.player | PhysicsCategory.box {
} else if collision ==
PhysicsCategory.player | PhysicsCategory.floor {
if collision ==
PhysicsCategory.laser | PhysicsCategory.wall {
effects = SKEmitterNode(fileNamed: "Explosion.sks")
else if collision ==
PhysicsCategory.laser | PhysicsCategory.floor {
effects = SKEmitterNode(fileNamed: "Explosion.sks")
I feel like this mess of if statements is horribly inefficient, but I have no idea how to convert this to a switch statement or if that would even be more efficient. I've tried removing the 'else' and just have a series of 'if' statements but then I have even more bugs when collisions happen (boxes falling through walls ect..) Any advice would be appretiated
In case anyone stumbles across this, here is how I resolved it.