DICOM Dataset not loading correct

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I am trying to load a DICOM Series in all three directions (sagital, axial and coronal). The Dataset is oriented axial and displaying all the slices in axial orientation is working fine. But when displaying the sagital and coronal view, AMI.js only renders to the amount of axial slices right. You might better understand what I mean with pictures. So picture one shows the rendering until slice 147 and picture two shows slice 148. The series has 147 DICOM images.

correct slice displaying

wrong displaying of slice 148

Do you have any idea why this happens and what I have to change, that all slices will be displayed correct? Displaying another set of data, where the DICOMs are in coronal direction, is working fine.


There are 1 answers


From the screenshots, it seems that the "intensityAuto" flag on "stackHelper.slice.intensityAuto" is "true".

If "intensityAuto" is "true", the slice "helper" tries to fetch the window level of the related frame. Otherwise, it uses the values from the "stack". In addition, if "intensityAuto" is "true", the window level changes each time you change the slices, which is not what you want to do in most cases.

If you try to fetch window level from a frame that doesn't exist, the behavior is not defined.

That is consistent with your issue, you have 147 "frames", so the slice "helper" is able to retrieve a window level for the first 147 frames in each direction. If you try to access a frame superior to 147, you get unexpected results.

In your case, you should turn "auto intensity" off in all the slice helpers and manage window level yourself. Get the window level from the stack and update the slice helpers manually when you want to adjust the window level.

HTH, Nicolas