DeviceEventEmitter vs NativeAppEventEmitter

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I want to use events to communicate between native ios/android and my react native app.

I see two ways to do this: DeviceEventEmitter and NativeAppEventEmitter, which seem to be fairly identical.

What's the difference between them? Why should I pick one over the other?


There are 2 answers

Ben Clayton On

I've found I need to use both when developing cross-platform native extensions that need to send events from Java/Obj-C to JavaScript.

On iOS you send events to JS like this:

[self.bridge.eventDispatcher sendAppEventWithName:@"myProgressEvent" body:@{               
 @"progress": @( (float)loaded / (float)total )

.. which you pick up in JS using NativeAppEventEmitter.

In Java you send events to JS with:

WritableMap map = Arguments.createMap();
map.putDouble("progress", progress);
        .emit("myProgressEvent", map);                                                                                   

.. which you pick up in JS using DeviceEventEmitter

It's not ideal, as your JS code needs to then choose the right emitter for the events to be received.


    const emitter = Platform.OS == 'ios' ? NativeAppEventEmitter : DeviceEventEmitter;
    emitter.addListener("myProgressEvent", (e:Event)=>{
        console.log("myProgressEvent " + JSON.stringify(e));
        if (!e) {
        this.setState({progress: e.progress});
雨天海角 On

Both DeviceEventEmitterand NativeAppEventEmitter are deprecated, you should use NativeEventEmitter instead.