I am trying to create a QQmlExtensionPlugin to use it in another application as a qml-module.
The problem I have is, that when I compile the project and try to use it in a sample-project the qml-compiler says, that the module "Clock 1.0" is not installed and cannot be loaded. Does anyone know what to do in this situation? You can find the full source-code here: https://github.com/MhouneyLH/qml_cpp_examples on the branch "feat/model_adjustments".
In Summary, what did I do to compile the plugin:
- Add qml-files (in the repository under
), which should be part of the plugin. - Add a qmldir-file
module Clock
plugin clockplugin
- Create
(and the corresponding Plugin.cpp-file -> in my case it is not needed, since for now I don't want to create a cpp-backend) for the meta-information of the plugin.
#include <QQmlExtensionPlugin>
class ClockPlugin : public QQmlExtensionPlugin
Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID QQmlExtensionInterface_iid)
void registerTypes(const char* uri);
- Adjust the .pro-file of the project
CONFIG += plugin
QT += quick qml
DESTDIR = ../Clock
TARGET = clockplugin
src/ClockPlugin.cpp \
RESOURCES += qml/qml.qrc
DESTPATH = qml/Clock
target.path = $$DESTPATH
qmldir.files = $$DESTPATH/qmldir
qmldir.path = $$DESTPATH
INSTALLS += target qmldir
CONFIG += install_ok # Do not cargo-cult this!
# Copy the qmldir file to the same folder as the plugin binary
QML_DIR = qml/Clock
resource.files += \
$$QML_DIR/qmldir \
$$QML_DIR/Clock.qml \
$$QML_DIR/ClockBackground.qml \
$$QML_DIR/GenericClockHand.qml \
$$QML_DIR/HourClockHand.qml \
$$QML_DIR/MinuteClockHand.qml \
resource.path = $$DESTDIR
COPIES += resource
INSTALLS += resource
- Compile the project.
But how do I bring the compiled plugin into the sample-project? (sry, I have to few reputation to show images directly)
- All needed qml-files, the qmldir and the .dll is in the plugin-folder "Clock" (see here: https://i.stack.imgur.com/B3P0Q.jpg)
- Copy this folder to sample-project/build/ after the sample-project compiled 1 time (so the directory is created) (see here: https://i.stack.imgur.com/MuhZ0.jpg)
- In the qml-file I just want to use the module like that
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Window 2.15
import Clock 1.0
Window {
width: 640
height: 480
visible: true
title: qsTr("Hello World")
Clock {
id: clock
As it is documented it is enough to have this folder next to the .exe of my sample-project.
I already tried to set QML_IMPORT_PATH
in the sample-project .pro-file. This unfortunately did not work as expected.
Besides that I tried some things from this thread.
I finally got it. The hints of @Stephen Quan are pretty good. I ended up cleaning my whole .pro-file an rewrite it but this time only with the for me relevant stuff:
So with this I can then import the module with
import ClockPlugin 1.0
. The other things I mentioned in my question are still the same. (qmldir-file, etc.)