I have a manifest v3 chrome extension and I want to use the background.js to detect if there are no chrome windows open at all. I have the following code. It sends a notification when there are tabs and even relays the number of them. When I close all tabs however I never get the other notification confirming that they are all closed. I am using this method to determine when I should send the user a chrome notification and when I should not. I don't want to send a notification if the user has a active tab open because they will be able to see the notification on the tab. I want to only send one when they wont be able to see the notification in a tab.
function sendNotificationIfNoWindows() {
chrome.windows.getAll({ populate: false }, (windows) => {
if (windows.length === 0) {
type: 'basic',
iconUrl: chrome.runtime.getURL('icons/logo.png'),
title: 'No Open Windows',
message: 'There are no open Chrome windows.',
} else {
type: 'basic',
iconUrl: chrome.runtime.getURL('icons/logo.png'),
title: 'No Open Windows',
message: 'There are open Chrome windows.',
setInterval(sendNotificationIfNoWindows, 5000); // Check every 5 seconds.