Detecting Super Dev Mode from within GWT app

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I guess the title says it all:

Is there some kind of flag that allows my GWT app to check whether it is currently running in Super Dev Mode (something along the lines of GWT.isProdMode(), maybe)?


There are 9 answers

Thomas Broyer On BEST ANSWER

There's an open issue about having a public accessor like GWT.isProdMode().

In the mean time, if you really need to know, there's a deferred binding property named superdevmode that you can use in your <replace-with> or <generate-with> rules.

JPelletier On

Maybe there is an "official" way, but this should work:

Storage stockStore = Storage.getSessionStorageIfSupported();
if (stockStore != null)
    boolean isSuperDevMode = stockStore.getItem("__gwtDevModeHook:" + GWT.getModuleName()) != null);
Alexander Tarasov On

My solution is:

Stéphane B. On

You could use GWTHelper.isSuperDevMode() method implemented below.

public final class GWTHelper {

    public static boolean isSuperDevMode() {
        final Storage storage = Storage.getSessionStorageIfSupported();
        if (storage == null) {
            return false;
        final String devModeKey = "__gwtDevModeHook:" + GWT.getModuleName();
        return storage.getItem(devModeKey) != null;


Source :

timmacp On

To check for dev app server: GWT.getHostPageBaseURL() returns

Server side: request.getRemoteHost() should return the same (though I haven't tested this).

To check for Super Dev Mode (vs dev app server without SDM): If GWT.getModuleBaseURL() & GWT.getModuleBaseForStaticFiles() differ, you're in Super Dev Mode.

property name="superdevmode" solution didn't work for me.


I used following method:

private static native boolean isSuperDevMode()/*-{ return typeof $wnd.__gwt_sdm !== 'undefined'; }-*/;

Works in GWT 2.7.0.

Moronicus On

May I suggest:

public boolean isSuperDevMode()
    return Window.Location.getPort().equals("8888");
Adam On

As it was already mentioned, there is a superdevmode property that you can use.

Here is a real-life example:

  1. Create a class containing a method that tells that we are not in SuperDevMode:

    public class SuperDevModeIndicator {
        public boolean isSuperDevMode() {
            return false;
  2. Extend previous class and override a method to tell that we are in SuperDevMode:

    public class SuperDevModeIndicatorTrue extends SuperDevModeIndicator {
        public boolean isSuperDevMode() {
            return true;
  3. Use only one, appropriate class depending on a superdevmode property - use deferred binding - put this in your *.gwt.xml:

    <!-- deferred binding for Super Dev Mode indicator -->
    <replace-with class="com.adam.project.client.SuperDevModeIndicatorTrue">
      <when-type-is class="com.adam.project.client.SuperDevModeIndicator"/>
      <when-property-is name="superdevmode" value="on" />
  4. Instantiate SuperDevModeIndicator class via deferred binding:

    SuperDevModeIndicator superDevModeIndicator = GWT.create(SuperDevModeIndicator.class);
  5. Use it to check whether you are in SuperDevMode or not:



Here you will find documentation on Deferred binding.

dac2009 On

This is a pretty good solution.

boolean superdevmode = "on".equals(System.getProperty("superdevmode"));