Detect UserAgent is not from Mobile

3.9k views Asked by At

Condition Hi currently I have a function to detect if the client request is from mobile or not. The function is as below.

public bool IsHandheld()
            bool status = false;

            string strUserAgent = Request.UserAgent.ToString().ToLower();
            if (strUserAgent != null)
                if (Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice == true || strUserAgent.Contains("iphone") ||
                    strUserAgent.Contains("blackberry") || strUserAgent.Contains("mobile") ||
                    strUserAgent.Contains("windows ce") || strUserAgent.Contains("opera mini") ||
                    status = true;
            return status;

Problem: This is not enough to detect the handheld device so I got a list of string over internet to compare if it is contained in Userstring

  new string[] { "blackberry" ,"iphone","mobile","windows ce","opera mini",
                    "palm","symbianos", "ipad", "symbianos", "ipod", "blackberry",
                    "sonyericsson", "android", "samsung", "nokia", "wap", "motor"

If the devices went on incresaing then this list would be long

I want to reverse the condition. I want to detect if the request is from PC or laptop not from handheld device. Is there any way to do so? Or am I thinking in the wrong way?


There are 1 answers

manoj On

This is nice Blog i think this will help you.

It recommends using request.Browser.IsMobileDevice