In the example of TAO/example/Simple/Bank, the two idl methods: open and close are defined in the AccountManager, the former is to generate a new activated Account servant while the latter is to recycle it . The AccountManager_i is like:
AccountManager_i::open (const char *name,
CORBA::Float initial_balance)
Account_i_var result;
if (hash_map_.find (name, result) != 0)
Account_i *tmp = 0;
Account_i (name,
result = tmp;
// Generate an IOR for the result object and register it with the
// POA. In case the object already exists then the previously
// generated IOR is returned.
return result->_this ();
// Shutdown.
AccountManager_i::close (Bank::Account_ptr account)
CORBA::String_var name = account->name ();
Account_i_var account;
if (account.is_nil ())
PortableServer::POA_var poa = account->_default_POA ();
PortableServer::ObjectId_var id = poa->servant_to_id ( ());
poa->deactivate_object ( ());
catch (const CORBA::Exception& ex)
ex._tao_print_exception ("Unable to close Account\n");
The question is 1) Is result(new created account servant)shares same ORB object with AccountManager_i in the open method? How can i reset it with a new duplicated ORB for this servant?
2) When did account(in Bank::Account_ptr account) object is recycled in the close method. In the method, it is only deactivate and detached from POA.
A servant is activated under a POA, so if you want to have the account servant be activated under a new ORB, you have to create that ORB somewhere, create a new POA, and override the _default_POA method in the Account servant to return that different POA. The other option is to not use _this, but do a manual activation of the POA.
In the close method, the if (account.is_nil()) should be !account.is_nil() as far as I can determine. The servants are reference counted, when the last reference drops it gets deleted, I can't see any code that it is recycled.