DesignAutomation V3 - Accesstoken

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after changing the DesignAutomation to version 5.1.2 the login does not work anymore. I get as isSuccessStatusCode the value false back.

We register the Service with AddDesignAutomation, the URL to the token remains the same as the previous one (According to Github)

However, I get back an unauthorized - IsSuccessStatusCode=false via the ResponseMessage.

We also tried in the admin area of autodesk to create a new app - with DesignAutomation V3, however I don't get this selection option of a V3 (see image).

What do I have to do that I can authenticate correctly again with version 5.1.2?

What have we tried (short summary): New version included, registered the service and hoped that the authentication is then successful. Unfortunately, no authentication is possible.


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