design report using visual studio 2013 report designer - how to begin?

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years ago i designed a corporate tool consisting of a sql server 2008 database as backend and an ms access 2007 project file as frontend.

now i build a wpf / c# application using visual studio 2013 to replace ms access 2007.

one of the task is to redesign the existing ms access reports (nothing special - just logos, images, title, subreports etc). but i do not understand how to do it using report designer.

could you please suggest me an article / text / link / walkthrough a beginner could start with and design a report equivalent to ms access one ?

thank you in advance !



There are 1 answers

Sam On

This is probably a great aticle to begin with, MSDN is a fantastic resource:

Failing that, this is a video that should put you on the way to what you are trying to achieve: