DES Encryption and Decryption in PHP

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Please help. How do I make an array in encrypt and decrypt?

    class DES{

        function encrypt($plainText, $cipherKey){
            $result = $this->toBiner($plainText);
            $result = $this->InitialPermutation($result);
            $key = $this->toBiner($cipherKey);
            $key = $this->kompresBit($key);
            $arrLeftShift = $this->LeftShift($key);
            $result = $this->keyExpansion($result, $arrLeftShift);
            return $result;

        function decrypt($encryptedText, $cipherKey){
            $key = $this->toBiner($cipherKey);
            $key = $this->kompresBit($key);
            $arrLeftShift = $this->LeftShift($key);

            $result = $this->reverseKeyExpansion($encryptedText, $arrLeftShift);
            $result = $this->revInitialPermutation($result);

There are 1 answers

Bendy On

I don't know much on encryption but from what I understand, DES isn't a recommended encryption standard:

If you're after something more secure, have a look at the question here that includes a encryption/decryption functions that work