It's hard to provide a reprex for this because the issue only occurs when I use the deployed version of my app, but I'm hoping I can provide enough detail that someone will be able to help me understand what causes the issue. I am using pivot_longer to pivot a table on a button push in Shiny. My table is a little complex because some of the "cells" in the table must contain a list, not sure if that's part of the issue:
display_table <- tribble(~Project, ~Sample_Type, ~Date, ~Parameters, ~Units, ~A1, ~A7,
"PL", "A", "14-May-2020", "ARRIVE TIME", "", "10:00 am", "11:15 am",
"PL", "A", "14-May-2020", "DEPART TIME", "", "10:20 am", "11:37 am",
"PL", "A", "14-May-2020", "CREW", "", c("Joe", "Moe"), c("Jane", "Jack"))
final_table <<- display_table %>%
cols = -c("Project", "Sample_Type", "Date", "Parameters", "Units"),
names_to = "Station",
values_to = "Values"
This pivot works just fine when I'm running the app from RStudio, I get the expected outcome:
Project Sample_Type Date Parameters Units Station Values
1 PL A 14-May-2020 ARRIVE TIME A1 10:00 am
2 PL A 14-May-2020 ARRIVE TIME A7 11:15 am
3 PL A 14-May-2020 DEPART TIME A1 10:20 am
4 PL A 14-May-2020 DEPART TIME A7 11:37 am
5 PL A 14-May-2020 CREW A1 c("Joe", "Moe")
6 PL A 14-May-2020 CREW A7 c("Jane", "Jack")
However, when deployed (using DesktopDeployR or RInno), the screen goes gray on the button push and the app hangs. This is in the error log:
Warning: Error in : Can't specify a prototype with non-vctrs types.
vctrs methods must be implemented for class `AsIs`.
See <>.
91: vec_c
90: pivot_longer_spec
89: pivot_longer
88: function_list[[k]]
86: freduce
85: _fseq
84: eval
83: eval
81: %>%
80: observeEventHandler [C:\Users\smith\OneDrive\Documents\R\work_stuff\DesktopDeployR\app\shiny\/server.R#1353]
9: shiny::runApp
application terminated normally
Interestingly, gather() works just fine, but I'd rather use pivot if I can solve the issue:
final_table <<- display_table %>%
gather("Station", "Values", -c("Project", "Sample_Type", "Date", "Parameters", "Units")) %>%
select("Project", "Sample_Type", "Date", "Station", "Parameters", "Values", "Units")
TaylorV's comment was really helpful in getting me to the solution. Needed to update my vctrs package to version 0.3.0., which was in use by RStudio, but the deployed app, compiled on a co-workers computer, had an older version.
I just deleted the old vctrs folder from the app/library folder and copy-pasted the newer version from my personal RStudio library. Problem solved.