Hi everyone
I would like to know if it's possible to deploy my app assets directly to Isolated Storage once the app get deployed.
I'm currently extracting them from code but this make the app's first launch too slow and it will be declined once it's submitted to the marketplace.
I'm wondering if there is a nice trick to make the process faster
Deploying Files to IsolatedStorage in Windows Phone 7
745 views Asked by Waleed At
There's no way to automatically deploy to IsolatedStorage on app installation.
There are a few things you can do to try and avoid a delay on first start up though:
You should not need to load image or video files into IS just to view them.
You should only need to copy the XML files if they're going to be updated. If you just want to read some data this doesn't need to be done. Also, if the XML files just hold initial data/state this could be loaded from the assembly directed and only saved to IS when first persisted.